94-081-2234511, 94-081-2228158 [email protected]

Heir Foundation is a UK-based charity working to help disadvantaged, vulnerable, abused and underprivileged women around the world.

Our aim is to work with disadvantaged, vulnerable, abused, underprivileged women on a global level. Our goal is to help these young women defeat the spirit of shame by giving them a dream and helping them to turn tragedy and trauma into triumph!

The Give a Girl a Dream project is designed to help take young women out of unfortunate situations by creating opportunities through academic and vocational programs. Our vision is to empower through education. This will improve their self esteem, self confidence, emotional health, self worth and value through social transformation.

In 2020 our focus is on the Women’s Development Centre in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Here we find girls as young as 11 years old who have been abused, become pregnant as a result, and have been sent away from home to avoid the shame within their community. They have one room where they take it in turns to look after their babies, and another where the rest of the girls work every day to create fabrics and garments which are sold to cover their living costs. The Women’s Development Centre does all they can to look after these young women and girls, but they need help.

When they reach 18, these girls must leave. As ‘spoiled’ women, they will not be able to marry, and without skills they will likely spend the rest of their lives working in menial jobs for very little pay.

On Tuesday 3rd March 2020, our team of 11 gathered together in Kandy, Sri Lanka to kick off phase 1 of the project with a goal to implement improved living conditions for the girls in the centre, a lasting infrastructure for improvements and education, and a solidified plan for phase 2 and 3 once we’ve fully evaluated the girls’ individual needs.

We plan to provide three things:

  1. Improved living and working conditions for all the girls in the centre
  2. New opportunities, through education and resources
  3. Ongoing support, by helping to supply the essentials like clean water, hygiene items and baby care – and the knowhow to use them correctly

You can find out more about the Heir Foundation and donate to our cause at www.heirfoundation.com.